About Us



Our journey with honey bees started when our son Jake was just over a year old in 2017. I (Jayme) was looking for something that would supplement our income and allow me to stay at home with our small family. I had always been interested in honey bees and decided to take the Beginner Beekeeping Workshop through the Saskatchewan Beekeeper's Association. I really enjoyed the course and immediately began looking for hives and equipment to buy. I ended up purchasing three hives, a bunch of extra supers, a hand crank honey extractor, and other miscellaneous (some crucial items like a smoker) equipment from someone who was selling their apiary near Moose Jaw, and we have been expanding ever since. We started off by extracting our few frames of honey on our deck while being swarmed by most of the bees in our apiary. Now we have a dedicated building that houses all of our extracting equipment, bottles and containers, and honey. 



My husband Ben does a lot of the work with the bees. He has taken it upon himself to learn as much as he can about honey bees and has made some of the equipment we use today. I help work the bees when I can, but most of my time is spent in sales, bottling and labeling, and te communications, side of things. It has been steep learning curve but we have thoroughly enjoyed the journey and pride ourselves in providing a superior,  unique product to our community and surrounding area. 



We enjoy being at home with our family and spending time outside with our animals (honey bees included). This is a huge component of our lives. All of the work with our apiary is done ourselves, with the help of grandparents when needed. For us, having an apiary isn't just about having extra pollinators and honey; it's about teaching our kids that hard work is essential for achieving success and that a painful sting is never a reason to give up.



We strive to use as many natural or close-to-the-source ingredients as possible. Our approach to beekeeping prioritizes organic treatments and minimally invasive techniques to ensure the health and well-being of our bees. Additionally, we enjoy creating household items from the treasures of our hives. Our honey soaps are crafted with 100% natural ingredients, including honey, beeswax, and propolis, which provide excellent nourishment for the skin. We also offer beeswax candles and eco-friendly reusable beeswax food wraps.